Keys To Success
- It is only three weeks! You can do this!
- We know and understand that sometimes life gets in the way of our best intentions. If you have an event or activity that just won’t lend itself easily to a shake or sneaking a few supplements, Clairify is long enough to give you some “wiggle room” without completely derailing your progress on the plan.
- Water, water, water, water, water. We cannot stress enough how important this is. At LEAST 2 LITERS a day. The only way for the fiber to work its magic is for it to absorb massive amounts of water in the gut. If you are not drinking enough this can lead to constipation. If you are not used to drinking that much water every day, buy a one liter reusable bottle - keep it filled and keep it with you. Drink all day long. Your kidneys, colon and skin will not only thank you, but sing your praises as well. I add lemon juice for taste and it makes me drink it faster. I also drop my olive leaf supplements in it as well.
- Weight loss is NOT the purpose of this plan - but it is inevitable. If you are moderately overweight, you may lose about 3 - 4 pounds per week.
- Be sensible of when you are scheduling to Clairify. Look at the calendar and be careful to avoid times with weekend celebrations, trips, weddings, etc... Choose a time when you will have very limited temptations to “cheat” on your plan.
- Don’t beat yourself up over a well deserved half glass of wine or treat with your kids. You are doing such wonders for your body, small transgressions will not impede your overall progress.
- The fiber hump is tough for some to get through. All of us who have tried the plan so far had never had as much daily fiber added to our diets! You may need to decrease the amount of fiber in your shakes for a couple of days to give your body time to adjust. Our colons will adjust and it will all make sense after a few days. Be prepared to feel bloated a easily full the first few days! This is normal and will pass.
- If your find yourself needing to “flip” your shake times (i.e. trade lunch for dinner so that you can sit down with your family for dinner), feel free.
- Fill your fridge with easy to fix non processed foods. Take our sample grocery list shopping with you.
- Enlist help - Clairify with friends makes it much more fun!
- Be conscious about what you are putting in your body. We have found ourselves more aware of toxins and processed foods. It will become automatic by the end of the cleanse. You will feel so good, that your body will crave healthy choices.
- If you find yourself constipated, the cause is likely lack of water. First load up on the water. Consider taking two tablespoons of olive oil at night before bed. Consider glycerin suppositories from any drug store. I have recommended them for years to my pregnant patients and they work wonders and promote movement of the bowel within 10 - 15 minutes of insertion.
- It is important as a rule not to not alcohol on the plan. Think of it as babying your liver and just giving it a break, it will thank you!
- Move! - We are helping you eliminate waste and toxins from your colon and kidneys - but don’t forget your skin. Exercise enough so that you sweat at least three days a week. Exercise will help you sweat and eliminate toxins from your skin, but will also stimulate the bowel to move as well.
- You might get hungry. If so, eat something. This is about cleansing, not starvation. Think about what you put in your shake, and what you ate for lunch. You may need to add protein or fiber to your shakes/meals so that your hunger is better controlled.
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